Magnolia Photography SC

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Why You Need To Understand photo editing styles

Should You Be Happy Your Photographer Didn't Edit Your Photos?

“My photos are so great, my photographer didn’t even need to edit them!”

A friend of mine recently shared this sentiment on Facebook after receiving the photos from his family portrait session.

I found it very interesting and it sparked my inspiration for this article.

Photographers have different editing styles, but when did editing become a negative aspect of photography?  Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about the overly edited photographs of celebrities we see gracing the covers of popular magazines.  That kind of editing often crosses the line, especially when they start changing people's physical appearance.  The best photo editing occurs when people look their absolute best and look natural.  

[Wedding Photographers Near Me - The Editing Style Of Magnolia Photography]

OMG, You're So Amazing!

There are a lot of photographers out there that will tell you, "I don't need to edit (or do much editing) because I get the picture right in-camera."

What does "getting it right in-camera" really mean?  

It means the image, without any editing, has nice color tones and is perfectly exposed.  These photographers are essentially saying they could download this image from their camera and give it to a client without any editing.  But getting your images right in-camera only makes your editing easier, it doesn't eliminate the need for it.  

I say good luck and here's why.

No matter how great a picture is "in-camera," it will always require post-processing to bring it to the next level.

““A Photograph Is Not About The Thing Being Photographed, It’s About How That Thing Looks Photographed.””

— Gary Winogrand

It's very easy to take for granted how we see the world.  The human eyes allow us to see the world vividly.  But what about digital cameras?  They are amazing pieces of equipment and they do a remarkable job at capturing life.  But they all have their limitations.  Compared to the human eye, the colors reproduced by cameras are more muted or flat.  

Post-production allows us to restore the scene as we experienced it in real life.   

[3 Wedding Photography Tips]

Post-Production Matters...A Lot!

Two components make up every image - 

1.  Image Capture

2.  Post-Production

Each of these aspects play a huge role in the creative process.  If one of these components is missing or lacking, so do your photographs.

Post-production is also an essential part of a photographer's style.  There are essentially endless styles when it comes to post-production, that's why it's key to make sure you like how your photographer produces their final images.  

Our Signature Production is clean and crisp images with vibrant colors.